Creating SMART-Collect Receivable with Receivables API


This guide instructs users on how to create and instantly initiate a receivable using the SMART-Collect method. Currently, SMART-Collect is the exclusive available payment method. Follow the steps below to successfully set up a receivable. 

Step 1: Prepare the POST request 

Endpoint: /Receivables 

Method: POST 

Body: Populate the request body with the necessary fields: 

  • recordNumber: The unique identifier for the receivable. 

  • receivableReferenceId: Reference ID associated with the receivable. 

  • netTotal: The total amount for the receivable. 

  • IsoCurrencyCode: The ISO code representing the currency of the receivable. 

  • Payor: Contains basic payee information. If it's an individual, include First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name. If it's a company, include the Business name.  

  • ReceivableTerms: Terms associated with the receivable. 

  • ReceivableDueDate: The due date for the receivable. 

  • ReceivableEffectiveDate: The date when the collection should occur. 

  • ApprovalStatus: Should be set to 1 for "Hold" and 2 for "Release". Instant initiation is possible only when it's set to 2. 

  • Memo: Any additional notes or messages associated with the receivable. 

  • Remittance: Contains basic remittance details and line items. 

  • PaymentInfo: Contains the DestinationAccountReferenceId and methodOfPayment. For SMART-Collect, the methodOfPayment should be set to 1. 

Step 2: Send the POST request 

Utilize your chosen method (command line, Postman, or another script) to forward the POST request to the outlined endpoint. 

Step 3: Handle the response 

Upon a successful request, the API will validate and create the receivable. Confirmation along with the details of the created receivable will be returned. Make sure to check the response for any errors or additional information provided by the API. 

Note: Always ensure that the ApprovalStatus is set to "Release" (2) if you wish to instantly initiate the receivable using SMART-Collect.