Updating and Re-Initiating a Payable with the Payables API 


There might be instances where a payable fails or gets canceled for various reasons. In such cases, you have the option to update the details of the payable and re-initiate it using the Payables API. This guide provides a step-by-step process to do so.

Step 1: Prepare the request

Make a PUT request to the Payables endpoint of the API to update the details of a payable. The endpoint URL should be in this format: 

  • Endpoint: /{PayableAPI}/{recordNumber}. Replace {recordNumber} with the unique identifier of the payable you want to update. The body of the request should contain the updated payable details. 

  • Method: PUT

Step 2: Send the PUT Request 

Using your preferred method (command line, Postman, or a script), send the PUT request to the endpoint. 

Step 3: Handle the Response 

The API will respond with a status code to indicate whether the operation was successful. If successful, the details of the payable will be updated in your system. 

Remember that payables can only be updated if their status is "Unprocessed", "Failed", "Scheduled" or "Canceled". If you attempt to update a payable in any other status, the operation will fail.