Retrieve Payable Details and Status

This guide explains how to use the Payable API to retrieve the status and details of a specific payable. Users can track the status of their payables to get timely updates. Additionally, this API call is useful for displaying the full details of payables in external applications, making it easier for users to access and view their payment information.

Step 1: Prepare the request

  • Endpoint: /Payables/{recordNumber} Replace {recordNumber} with the unique identified of the payable you with to retrieve

  • Method: GET

Step 2: Send the GET request

Using your preferred method (command line, Postman, or a script), send the GET request to the endpoint.

Step 3: Handle the Response 

If your API call is successful, the API will respond with "200 OK" status code. This response will contain all the details associated with the payable, including it's status.

Possible statuses include:

  • Unprocessed

  • In Process

  • Paid

  • Failed

  • Scheduled

  • Canceled

If the recordNumber does not exist, the API will respond with a "404 Not Found" status code, indicating that the payable was not found in the system.

Example response: 

    "recordNumber": 2719,
    "payableReferenceId": "a9e6fb02-04e7-4d09-9dba-4bc847ac0e37",
    "originationISOCurrencyCode": "USD",
    "destinationISOCurrencyCode": "USD",
    "netTotal": 500.0000,
    "terms": "NET30",
    "dueDate": "2023-09-22T00:00:00+00:00",
    "effectiveDate": "2023-08-22T00:00:00+00:00",
    "approvalStatusId": 2,
    "memo": "Payment covers damages sustained by vehicle (Toyota Camry, 2020, 1339MN) during the storm incident on August 18, 2023. It also covers rental fees for a vehicle during car's repair period).",
    "grossTotal": 500.0000,
    "grossDiscount": 1.0000,
    "tax": 100.2500,
    "originationAccountReferenceId": "df1d4c29-8dfd-430e-aab8-487902d2cc5e",
    "destinationBankAccount_NameOnAccount": null,
    "destinationPaypal_AccessId": null,
    "destinationPaypal_AccessIdType": "0",
    "destinationCard_CardholderName": null,
    "destinationCard_ExpirationDate": null,
    "methodOfPaymentId": 5,
    "createdOn": "2023-09-25T08:20:26.627383-04:00",
    "payableStatusId": 3,
    "status": "Paid"