Create Party with Party API
Whether managing payables, receivables, or just maintaining an up-to-date database, the Party API offers an effective method for creating party records. Parties can be established either as individuals or businesses. Depending on your immediate needs, you can utilize the Create Party API directly or indirectly via the Create Payable or Create Receivable API endpoints.
Step 1: Prepare the request
Endpoint: /party/
Method: POST
partyReferenceID: A unique identifier for the party.
isBusiness: A boolean value. Set to true if creating a business entity and false for an individual.
If isBusiness is set to true:
businessName: The name of the business.
If isBusiness is set to false:
firstName: The first name of the individual.
middleName (optional): The middle name of the individual.
lastName: The last name of the individual.
phoneNumber (optional): Contact number for the party.
emailAddress (optional): Email address for the party.
address (optional): Physical address details.
SocialSecurityNumber (optional): Social Security Number. Usually provided for individuals.
dateOfBirth (optional): Date of birth. Applicable for individual entities.
bankAccountDetails: An array of bank accounts to be associated with the receivable party. Each bank account includes the following fields:
nameOnAccount: The name of the account holder as registered with the bank.
bankAccountNumber: The bank account number of the receiving party.
bankRoutingNumber: The routing number associated with the bank account.
Step 2: Send the POST request
Utilizing your chosen method (e.g., command line, Postman, or any HTTP client), direct the POST request to the specified endpoint.
Step 3: Handle the response
Upon successful creation of the party, the API will provide a confirmation along with any relevant details of the party.
Note: Alternatively, users can also integrate party creation when using the Create Payable API or Create Receivable API endpoints. This method can be beneficial for scenarios where creating a party is an inherent part of the transaction process.
"partyReferenceId": "7647c4be-46cf-4cc0-bf87-64f80eb211c3",
"firstName": "Bridget",
"middleName": "",
"lastName": "Rose",
"businessName": "Beahan LLC",
"isBusiness": false,
"socialSecurityNumber": "234597456",
"dateOfBirth": "1990-01-01",
"emailAddress": "",
"phoneNumber": "7572119665",
"address": {
"addressLine1": "11681 Ora Route",
"addressLine2": "Sunny Drive",
"addressLine3": "10 B",
"townName": "Dallas",
"country": "USA",
"countrySubDivision": "TX",
"postCode": "75247"
"bankAccountDetails": [
"nameOnAccount": "Beahan LLC",
"bankAccountNumber": "78862527",
"bankRoutingNumber": "021000021",
"nameOnAccount": "Bridget Rose",
"bankAccountNumber": "1001495",
"bankRoutingNumber": "021000021",